Submission 提交摘要 초록제출

  • If this is a joint presentation, only the first author should register. 共同發表時請只接收第一作者 공동발표인 경우 제1저자만 등록해 주십시오.
  • Abstracts (including title and keywords) should be written in English or Chinese within 600 – 800 words. If it is written in other language(s), please also submit a version in English or Chinese.? The abstract should summarize the purpose of the study, methods, major findings with evidence/examples. 摘要(含題目及關鍵詞)須以中文或英文撰寫,字數限600至800字以內,若以韓文撰寫,必須提交中文或英文翻譯本, 摘要須闡述研究目的、方法、結果,輔以證據、示例
  • Submission of the final abstract is compulsory, but the full thesis is optional. Also, it must be the first thesis presented at this conference. 發表者必須提交最終摘要, 發表者可以選擇是否提交全文。此論文必須是在本屆討會上的初次發表。

